Streamer Fishing

Merced River

The record breaking snow has begun to melt. The waterfalls are huge, meadows are flooded, and the Merced River is running high and fast. I expect it to be this way for the next month and into June.

This is the time to get out your streamer rod and large flies. I personally use 6wt. and 7wt. rods with Airflo’s Streamer Max Short flylines, which I love because they cast heavier flies with ease and get the fly into the zone fast with a 30’ sinking head.

I use many traditional patterns such as Slumpbusters and Wooly Buggers, but also articulated Sculpins and Game Changers to lure out rainbow and brown trout from the depths.

Marabou Bugger Sculpin Size 10

You must cover lots of water looking for ledges and drop-offs where fish will be resting. Upstream cast and mends will help get the fly deeper, but you can even dunk your fly rod into the water to get it down fast. I first learned this technique from Tom Loe on the Lower Owens River. It works.


These fish are hungry, so do not worry about switching fly patterns. These fish are looking for meal! Instead you may need to change your stripping pattern. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes a twitch. Good luck!


Lance Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Perdigon


CA Snow Surveys